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Homeschooling Resources

Here you will find bundles, freebies, and more to help you on your own homeschooling journey with your little ones. 


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Need a little inspiration to get your little ones outside enjoying nature? Print a couple of these off, pop them on clipboards, grab a pencil and head outside to search for these beautiful things. 


Print off these Day of the Week labels to help your child learn the colour of the day to help them know their daily and weekly rhythm.  Both cursive and printed versions included.  Included in this download, is just small labels. Larger are available in the shop. 

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Here is a quick printable for you to help you plan your weekly rhythm. It's based on the traditional colour of the day, grain of the day, etc. that is found in Waldorf education. 


Enrich the Advent season with these weekly verses for you and your children to enjoy. Our family chooses to light candles each night at dinner and say the verse that go with the corresponding candle. It's become a tradition that my boys anticipate and enjoy each year and I hope it becomes one for you and your family too. 


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