Happy New Year!!! Oh how I love the first of January. There is something so refreshing about the start of a brand new year. I always feel like there are so many opportunities out there that are just waiting for us to take advantage of. With a new month, comes a new circle time for our little homeschooling family. So here are some of the verses and songs I'll be doing with the boys.
Fingerplay: Here is a cave, inside is a bear (Cupped hand is cave, curled in thumb is bear) Out he comes out to get some fresh air. (stick thumb out) He stays out all summer in the sunshine and heat Hunting in the forest for berries to eat (thumb “eats”) When snow starts to fall, he hurries inside (back to the cave) To his warm little cave, and there he will hide Snow covers the cave like a fluffy white rug (Snow flutters down, hand over cave) But inside the bear sleeps, all cozy and snug. (open hand a bit to show bear)
The North Wind Doth Blow The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow, (arms wave side to side, snow) And what will the robin do then, poor thing? (bird hands) He’ll sit in the barn, to keep himself warm, (sit down nice and snug) And hide his head under his wing. Ah! (hide head under arm, open both arms on AH!)
The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow, (arms wave side to side, snow) And what will the dormouse do then, poor thing? Rolled up like a ball, in a nest snug and small, (curl up into a ball and sleep) She’ll sleep ‘til the warm weather comes. Ah! (jump up, arms up on Ah)
The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow, (arms wave side to side, snow) And what will the squirrel do then, poor thing? (squirrel hands) She’ll climb up a tree, and look out to see, (pretend to climb, look out) And nibble on all of her food. Ah! (eat food, arms up on Ah!)
The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow, (arms wave side to side, snow) And what will the raccoon do then, poor thing? (mask) He’ll waddle around, leaving prints on the ground, (waddle around yourself) And find a warm burrow to sleep. Ah! (curl into a “burrow”, jump up on Ah!)
The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow, (arms wave side to side, snow) And what will the rabbit do then, poor thing? (ears) She’ll jump and she’ll hop, she won’t want to stop, (hop around) ‘cause that’s how she’ll keep herself warm. Ah!
Come in the garden
Come in the garden And play in the snow, A snowman we'll make, See how quickly he'll grow! Give him a hat, stick and pipe, And make him look gay. Such a fine game For a cold winter day!
Look Out, Look Out, Jack Frost is About! (Nursery rhyme by Cecily E. Pike) Look out, look out (jump right, jump left) Jack frost is about (arms and legs out and up) He’s after our fingers and toes (wiggle fingers, touch toes) And all through the night (open one arm) This gay little sprite (open other) Is working where nobody knows (three stomps, r l r)
He’ll climb a tree (climbing) So nimble is he His silvery powder he’ll shake (shake something) To windows he’ll creep (make a window frame with your hands) And while we’re asleep (Sleep hands) Such wonderful pictures he’ll make (move hands around like drawing) Across the grass, (jump right, jump left) He’ll merrily pass (open arms and legs) And change all its greenness to white (open one arm then the other) Then home he will go (bring in arms, one at a time)
And laugh Ho Ho HO! (arms over belly, and big laugh) What fun I have had in the night!
Story & Activity
There was a giant big and bold Whose feet were getting very cold. He came along to our town And walked the stairs all up and down Calling "Is no one hearing me? My toes are freezing bitterly! No single shop that I could tell Has stocking giant-size to sell." A little gnome both old and wise. He gave him very good advice. He brought two pretty bits of stuff. The giant thought them good enough. He wrapped his feet, his pain was eased. And home he walked content and pleased. Materials: Knotted cloth dolls [this could be a play silk or gauze square the you knot to show head and other body parts] with 2 extra pieces of fabric to wrap the giant's feet. Children can watch you knotting the characters.
Oh Where Do You Come From? Oh where do you come from, you little flakes of snow? Falling, falling, softly falling to the earth below. On the trees and on the bushes, on the mountains afar, Tell me snowflakes do you come from where the angels are?
I hope you all have a great month and make the most out of the start of 2018!