Day 4 of this battle with leukaemia. Lochlan had a better day today, thankfully. With Daddy’s arrival last night, came a fresh energy, extra love and support, and some guy time/talk. Having Mitch with us for the weekend could not have come at a better time. He’s so great at scheming and telling stories with Lochlan that I saw more smiles on our baby’s face today than I have in a long time.
Knowing that we’d be inside all afternoon we went for an early picnic lunch outside. Once again it was such a nice break for us. Lochlan told me that he liked it outside but it is a sad tease because for just a second he forgets he has to go back in the confines of the hospital, and when he remembers it makes him disappointed 💔

Lochlan had his first physio exercises today, and received his chemo too. Thankfully both were uneventful and he came out of each relatively unscathed— just tired.
We met a new oncology doctor (for the weekend shift), and he was amazing. He spent time talking with Lochlan about Marvel movies, and farm antics, and even showed him some card tricks. He didn’t bombard Loch with questions, and wasn’t super nurturing and motherly. Instead he was super chill, and cool, and entertaining.
With all of that behind him he crashed for the night shortly after 6:30. He’s currently sound asleep with a castor oil pack over his liver, essential oils in the diffuser and over his heart, and down his spine. He’s got his feet on the grounding mat (in bed), and a belly full of raw juice (with beets and broccoli to increase production of immune cells and body enzymes that help fight cancer development).
And as I watched him sleep, knowing his little body is full of harsh chemicals working to kill the cancer, I cried, I wept, I prayed, and somehow have no choice but to let go and trust that he’s going to be ok. That our family is going to be ok. And that somehow I’ll be ok too.