Everyday I’m learning more and more. Owning and caring for sheep comes with so much learn. But processing their fleece comes with so much more... not just knowledge but experience and skill.

I am someone who likes things to be easy. I was blessed to have most things I’ve tried come naturally to me. But learning how to comb, diz, and spin has not been easy. As a recovering perfectionist this process has been difficult. It’s been a true self-growth/self-development project. It have been a reflection of me—- full of flaws and imperfections, and glimmers of hope for betterment in all aspects of me.

Strangely, I’m enjoying not being good at spinning. It’s a welcomed challenge to get better. I can envision myself 5 years from now when spinning is a breeze. I’ll look back on this time with fondness and gratitude, as I’m wrapped in handmade woolens from my flock.