Day 19 of Lochlan’s battle with leukaemia was a full and wonderful one. After an early wake up, he was ready to go downstairs & tackle the day. He spent time watching a movie while I made breakfast, then just sat & talked on the back deck breathing in the country air. He did have a steroid induced emotional outburst where he screamed, yelled and cried as he grieved for his old life and got mad at God. It was cleansing to let out all some big emotions.
Then it was time for a detox bath as we prep for Tuesday’s chemo. Because he has a picc line in his arm he has to keep it out of the water. But somehow today water seeped in under the plastic covering, so we ended up with a quick trip into the city for a dressing change. That process is literal torture so he was not excited about going to do it but before we got to the hospital he used positive affirmations of “I’ve got this! I can do this. I am proud of myself.” And he did so well while we were in there. It took less than 5 minutes and away we went.

The afternoon was filled with family time, and time healing some emotional wounds. Time on the deck with his feet in the grass playing the guitar and singing. Then time at the beach breaking the salty air and dreaming of life beyond this very difficult period for him.
He ate very well today and overall his mood was steady. We are prepping for Tuesday’s chemotherapy with lots of liquids, and elimination pathways open, castor oil pack on, essential oils down his spine.
Being home has allowed us to see glimpses of hope and healing. No more wallowing in negativity, and no more focusing fully on the illness- because he is safe, he is loved, he is home .