Today was another relatively good day for him. He spent time with his brother hanging out in “the den” in the basement, time outside enjoying the fresh air under the juneberry trees, and plenty of time eating! (He sure is a bottomless pit!!!) He did have a few steroid moments but not nearly as severe and long lasting as they used to be. One last dose of them in the morning and then he gets a break from them for a while, thank goodness.
Physiotherapy is a key part of our day— I encourage him to walk, and do stairs, and go on the rebounder. The vincristine(chemo) that he gets regularly affects the large muscles of the body, so the only way to continue to keep any sort of mobility is to move. Motion is lotions, as they say.
Tomorrow we head to Halifax for IV chemo, and then he gets a lumbar puncture and bone marrow aspirate as it’s the last day of his first phase of treatment “induction”, and the hope is that the leukaemia cells are all but gone and he goes into “remission” — that doesn’t mean his treatment is over, but it means that the first round worked as intended. So please pray for good news of remission tomorrow. Then in a week we start the next round of “consolidation”— but again, I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves and just take it one step at a time.
Today we had a good cry together. Not of fear or worry just sadness that this is our life for the next few years. Lochlan said he just wants to be happy again, and I told him that already we’ve had plenty of happy moments since we’ve been home, and there are plenty more ahead. He said he’s so glad that Luke won’t have to experience this, and that Mitch and I won’t have to experience this, and that he’s glad he can be the one to carry this load for us all. He’s so kind and so thoughtful but what a heavy weight to carry.

We continue to work on mindset. Trusting that our bodies know how to react to survive isn’t always easy but is something I am reminding him of over and over.
We hit the road at 6:30 tomorrow morning, and should be home for bedtime. A long day but another step forward on this journey.