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Day 42

Day 42 of Lochlan’s healing journey with Leukaemia started with a trip to the local hospital for bloodwork. He has a huge fear of needles so there were lots of tears from the moment he woke up, all the way to the hospital, and into the waiting area, and finally while getting the bloodwork done. I think he just needed to get all those tears out… a good cleansing. Nothing I said could help. He just needed to feel, so I let him.

His bloodwork came back great, so that means we head to the children’s hospital, 3 hours away, bright and early tomorrow morning for the start of his second phase of treatment. He gets 4 different types of chemo tomorrow including a lumbar puncture with chemo into his spinal fluid. And then daily chemo for the next two weeks here at our local hospital.

After the past week of watching his body rest and heal naturally, without any medicines and chemo, it’s hard to walk him back into the hospital where he will face an onslaught of toxic chemicals that potentially will save his life. Knowing how much his little body is about to endure is so heartbreaking, and I wish I could do it all for him so he could be spared from it.

He and I had a cry and said some prayers before bed. He begged for God to please heal him. And I prayed for that too. It’s hard to admit but my prayer for weeks now has been to either take Lochlan quickly or give him strength and peace as he goes through this torture to live a long and happy life. I pray that He not allow my baby to suffer through all of this for no reason.

It’s going to take a lot of faith and trust through the next few weeks of treatment, but for tonight I’ll simply focus on the next step, which is a big day for us tomorrow. One step at a time is the only way through.



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