Day 43 was also day 1 of the Very High Risk Consolidation phase of Lochlan’s treatment for Near-Haploid Leukaemia.
We were up and on the road by 5:15 and made it to the children’s hospital for our 8:30 appointment. Lochlan met with a nurse, a nurse practitioner, a dentist, & the oncologist who all gave the go ahead for his chemo. He got his port accessed for the first time which was filled with a lot of fear and a lot of tears, but he did it. He had two different types of chemo through his IV along with a lot of fluids to help his kidneys and liver deal with it.
He also had a lumbar puncture (LP) procedure done today. He was happy that the anesthesiologist was the same one he’s had for all of his LPs— he’s come to like and trust him, and he knew most of the nurses and the oncologist who were there for the procedure so he felt a little more at ease today than his last one. I got to be there until he fell asleep.
While in his LP he received chemo in his spinal fluid. They also did a skin biopsy to send for testing for a super rare genetic issue called, Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Praying that it comes back negative because that would mean Luke and Mitch or I would be high risk for getting various different cancers.
After his LP he got to enjoy some food and watch a movie while getting more iv liquids to help his body deal with the chemo. We met with the pharmacist to go over his new meds for this phase of treatment, and our Family Coordinator to go over the plans and schedule for us for the next few months here at our home hospital.
We finally left the hospital at 4:30, grabbed supper, and pulled in our driveway at 9:05. When we got home Lochlan had his final chemo for the day in a pill form. A long and exhausting day, to say the least.
The amount of chemo his little body is going to receive over the next 57 days is heartbreaking. So now it’s my job to help support and detox him. But first a good night’s sleep, before heading to our home hospital for another bag of IV chemo in the morning.