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Day 44

Day 44 of Lochlan’s healing journey with near haploid leukaemia brought another morning of chemo at our local hospital. It’s as if Lochlan is going through the stages of grief and slowly is coming to a state of acceptance. He is handling it all with a sad and reluctant state of “having no choice” but to walk this awful path of chemo and life with cancer. Sigh.

After the hospital it was my job to step up and start nourishing and detoxing him. I feel I have to do something. I can’t just sit and let his body just deal with all the chemo on its own. I have to support him through this and help minimize the damage. So of course I turn to healthy foods and herbals to give him a little support.

From chaga ,to bone broth, to fasting, to castor oil packs, to grounding and forest bathing, to detoxifying tea, to essential oils, to rebounding, to drinking enough get his body to release and let go of the chemo I am trying everything I know. And of course whole lot of prayer to get me through.

Today I chose to celebrate small wins. Like the fact Lochlan walked up our entire flight of stairs alone today! And he spent time outside picking homegrown elderberries in the sunshine. He also fed the chickens tonight, and found some purpose to his day. Then we spent time touring my garden and he discovered that ground cherries (one of his favourite foods)are starting to ripen. He even found it in himself to say “I am proud of me.”

This journey is hard to put into words but I pray no family has to go through this. Clinging to hope. Holding on to the little wins for dear life, as we stare down the barrel of this phase of treatment.

Time to sleep because we have another round of IV chemo at our local hospital first thing in the morning.

One step forward, and one step at a time.



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