Lochlan Kelly Martin - Home Water Birth
Wow! It's hard to believe that it's been 11 weeks and 4 days since this little man entered our world. What a joy he is, and it's hard to...
35 weeks...thoughts about my 2.4 year old.
Hard to believe that there's been a little life growing in me for 35 weeks now. It feels like yesterday that I had those first thoughts...
Third Trimester Thoughts
*Deep Breath* Ok so I am 33 weeks pregnant with this little man (currently karate chopping my insides with great intensity as I type),...
Babywearing Is A Sanity Saver
Oh how I love babywearing! I don't know how parents get by without it. Today's post is going to be filled with pics of me and my little...
Our Favourite Toy
As I get ready to welcome a second child into our lives I've been spending some time thinking about what parenting decisions that I am...