Green and Clean - Wool Dryer Balls
Ditch the toxic fabric softener and switch to dryer balls. You'll be glad you did, and so will our poor planet.
September Homeschooling Plan
With the opening of Hawthorn Hill Academy being delayed until next year, I have chosen to homeschool my boys this year. I have decided to...
Why I Am Homeschooling My Kindergartener
With public school set to start in less than a week, I "should" be gearing up to walk my 5 year old to the bus stop and send him on his...
What is Waldweg?
Waldweg -- a German term that roughly translates to "Forest Tracks". Waldweg, to our family, means home. It's the place we all feel most...
How I Used Essential Oils During Labour
Well, since the last time I posted on here I have had my second baby, little Lochlan. He has been such a light in our family's life. I...