Farm & Forest School at Hazel Creek Homestead is highly influenced by what the landscape offers, what the seasons bring, and the educational philosophies of Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf Education.
Our programs are 100% outdoor immersion programs, and must come prepared to be outside for the entirety of their program. Although we will visit the barn each week, children must come prepared and dressed for outdoor play. Our camps are condensed versions of our animal programs, and students attend daily for the week.
The following programs are being offered this year:
This program is filled with play-based, hands-on learning and is geared towards children between the ages of 5 - 12. Imagination and fantasy reign supreme and the magic of the natural world is seen daily here at the homestead. Children can safely test the waters socially, and physically in our weekly program.
Students will work together in small groups, gaining nature awareness and knowledge of plants, mammals, birds, tracking, and survival. Educators provide songs, and stories, rhythm and rituals, and a nurturing environment for all, where learning naturally occurs. We will spend time preparing, and harvesting the garden, and caring for the livestock, learning about regenerative agriculture, and how it helps the planet. We will also spend plenty of time in the forest, exploring, creating, and playing.
Students will also forage/harvest a snack or tea each week.
This program is offered for homeschoolers, and those public school children who may choose to take Friday afternoon's off to enjoy some grounded time in nature - a great way to end the week.
2024 Dates and Rates:
1:00- 4:00 each Friday for 10 weeks
April 12, 19, 26
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
June 7, 14
$400 total > $350 + $25 materials and $25 administrative fee
*Fall 2024 dates will be announced this summer
Friday Foxes
5 - 12 year olds

Oaks & Acorns - Parent & Child

This program is designed for children with a caregiver, ages 3-5 (babies in arms and older siblings are always welcome). The children well experience plenty of play-based hands-on learning here at the homestead. Imagination and fantasy reign supreme and the magic of the natural world is seen daily here at the homestead. Children can safely test the waters socially, and physically in our weekly program.
Students will simply play in nature together while parents and educators provide songs, and stories, rhythm and rituals, and a nurturing environment for all, where learning naturally occurs. Parents will learn about child development from a LifeWays/Waldorf standpoint. The children will get to enjoy friendship and fun, while the parents find support and connection with like-minded caregivers.
Of course, there will be plenty of time to visit with the farm animals each week too.
2024 Dates and Rates:
10:00 - 12:00 each Monday
Price Per Family = $125 per 5 week session
Session 1: March 18, 25, April 8, 15, 22
Session 2: May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3
*Fall 2024 dates will be announced in the summer.
3-5 year olds
Morning Garden - Parent & Infant
Our Morning Garden program is designed for parents and infants from birth to 18 months as an introduction to Waldorf education.
The series will include a study guide to stimulate discussion and foster insight into the development of the young child. So many changes are taking place in babies in the first year of life!
In Morning Garden, parents share the joy of witnessing the babies strengthen their bodies and explore the outside world around them. Parents learn songs, rhymes, finger plays, and simple communication techniques that soothe during care times and strengthen the bond between parents and their child.
Families discuss a variety of parenting themes to support the parenting journey and their children’s healthy, joyful growth.
This program is a 100% outdoor program, and even on rainy days we will be outside enjoying all of the sensory experiences that nature provides. We will enjoy time beside the garden, and a lovely uphill 0.5km walk through the pastures to the back forest. Baby wearing is highly recommended, or a rugged all-terrain stroller would be needed. Remember, that even we adults need to dress accordingly so appropriate apparel is a must -- rubber boots, umbrellas, rain coats, bug hats, are all great ideas to have. We will stop along the way for songs and stories and learning. Families are welcome to visit with our farm animals before departing.
Expectant parents are also welcome to register and attend as you look ahead to welcoming your newborn.
2024 Dates and Rates:
10:00 - 11:30 each Wednesday
Price = $200 per 8 week session
Session 1: May 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19, 26
*Fall 2024 dates will be announced in the summer.